Saturday, March 5, 2016


That word, with such deep blue sorrow
lives inside me, like a barnacle, clinging to a ship,
ruined at the bottom of the ocean

Eating away a piece of my soul,
every day, every hour,
I wait, for the sun to shine through,

a ray of hope, that some day
I might be found, and rescued
and covered over by love

a love that will not let me cry,
deep blue tears of anguish
that burn through my heart

a prison is where i live
with open doors and invisible chains
and a tongue that cannot say the words.


  1. Exactly...
    And as a 10 year Navy Vet, and a Vagabond in life, I know all too well the deteriorating and shredding....

  2. hey Allen, welcome... im honored to have such a brave and courageous visitor like you, here! This country needs to treat its Veterans with utmost respect.
